cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Speaking Gigs, At Last I'm sick with an awful cold but I slogged through a presentation today anyhow. This morning I was a guest lecturer at a university and I got to use my awesome new graphic presentation for the first time. I fucking hate Powerpoint but I was asked to use it for this. So Helenah helped me put something together that is actually really fucking awesome. No charts or graphs - all photos that she and I took, with a few short video clips. We're going to make a few more versions of it. A shorter one and a longer one. I was reluctant to do any of this first but as we were putting it together on my couch yesterday I realized that this is going to be very, very helpful in getting me booked as a speaker. This is in support of my new book that comes out in August. We are also going to make something like that for me to take around to speak about teaching adult l0cavores how to hunt for f00d. A lot of wildlife centers and state agencies have been interested in having me come talk to them about what made my classes a success. I'm flying to Iowa soon for one of these things, though not getting paid a ton of money for it. What I need in order to get paid to fly out and talk to them is a slide show that includes a short (like, 5 minute) documentary about how my classes work and how successful my students have been. Helenah has enough footage of my classes and students to produce that for me and it was she who suggested it. Having a girlfriend who is a filmmaker and is producing short pieces for N@tional Ge0graphic seems to have some benefits. I am starting to wonder if this is actually what I should be focusing on for the next few months rather than these other projects I've been talking about. I am the established top expert on two subjects now because of those two books and perhaps I should be capitalizing on that better than I have been. Immediate needs are distracting me too much. I desperately need a replacement car or truck as well as a new laptop pronto. Its hard for me to do my job or live my life without these things. 11:16 p.m. - 2012-01-30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |