cellini's Diaryland Diary


Each and Every Day

Man, the random fucking offers I get every week.

Today I received several. A company that is trying to bring together a lot of outdoor bloggers together for a single site. They want me to be their (probably badly paid) head blogger.


Then these other people want me to endorse or help design or do something with some sort of online hunt3r's education program.


How do any of these people think that their shitty, low-ball deals would work out in the long run? Obviously I need to pay the rent and feed my family. Do they seriously think that these shit deals that they offer could possibly be sustainable? Like I would keep doing this shit all day long while my life collapses? What the fuck are they thinking?

Oh, I don't know. I don't know what they think.

At least once a day I still tell Trish that I love her. This must be very upsetting to her.

More people have emailed me today about speaking at different things for different groups. Surely there is a living to be made here.

10:11 p.m. - 2012-01-31


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