cellini's Diaryland Diary


Also the tent door was open for the blowjob

I just came back from a completely last-minute 2 night camping and fishing trip to an interesting park. This was a trip taken at Helanah's insistence but it was to a destination I've been meaning to visit for the last few years.

We had fun. I caught some fish and taught her how to clean and filet a catfish. I took a lot of photos and wound up with maybe 3 or 4 that are really really good and a few more that I can use in my growing personal photo archive of animals and plants for magazine articles or blog entries or whatever.

I don't do that often enough. Here I have this pickup truck with a camper shell and the back is loaded with everything I need to take off at any moment and go camping and fishing. Rods, sleeping bags, tent, canned food, stove, tackle boxes, nets, frame pack, extra clothes. The whole thing is ready at any time but I so rarely take advantage of it.

Having Helenah around for about a week straight -- with only a few days break before that since she was here with her mother -- was a bit exhausting. She is getting better with my kids. But she exercises this constant pressure to spend money that I cannot afford to spend. I have mouths to feed.

She is excellent company camping and fishing, however. She doesn't have the patience for fishing that I would prefer but she does not complain and she does her share of work around camp. She can pitch a tent on her own, did all right at fileting the fish. Her knife and fire skills need work. We're still working on the whole poison ivy ID thing.

The blowjobs are nice, too.

Empirically speaking she is the ideal girlfriend. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her. The only problems are with me. The fact that I didn't want to get divorced and wanted my wife to stay. This silly prejudice that I have against her hair color.

And the cultural thing. It is definitely an issue at times. The way that a Swede thinks about many things is very different from the way that an American from my background thinks.

The sex is good but not amazing. She has too many things that are off of the menu.

I'm sleepy now.

12:16 a.m. - 2012-05-25


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