cellini's Diaryland Diary


Film Trailer

The trailer for the movie about me finally went public today. I want to link to it here. I really do, but that would be reckless. Anyone who wants to see it, send me an email at [email protected] and I'll give you a link.

I was really counting on selling a magazine article about the trip I just took to defray its costs. But the editor still hasn't responded. Fuck this. I should not be trying to write more articles for that publication anyway. They don't do any hunting articles and only cover catch-@nd-rel3ase fly f1shing, which is like the opposite of what I do. The editor is a vegan and thinks that this is the special way that they should be covering fishing. I happen to think that he's a sick, confused fuck. Sticking a hook in an animal's mouth and torturing it for fun only to throw it back into the water is just fucking sick. I catch fish so that I can eat them and feed my children. Somehow that's supposed to be less ethical than catch and release? Are herons unethical? What about pelicans, alligators, bears and every other fucking animal that eats fish? If predation for food is unethical then I guess you're writing off half of the fucking animal kingdom as 'wrong.'

Personally, I do not believe that human kind is apart from nature and the judgement of our behavior in moral terms should not be set apart from what we see in nature.

1:28 a.m. - 2012-05-26


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