cellini's Diaryland Diary


I Met a Fan

Home. Oy.

I just spent about 24 hours in V1rg1n1@ Beach, plus travel time each way. Now
I'm home and I'm exhausted.

What happened was that a fan invited me to come surf fishing there. So naturally I accepted. My professional goal was to bag some stingrays to cook and eat in order to write a magazine article about their potential use for food.

Long story short, I only brought back one tiny little ray but it should be enough for what I needed.

Probably the more interesting thing was hanging out for a day and a night and a morning with one of my fans. This was a little bit different from past fan encounters because this guy got into my stuff from my books. He spotted my first book in a Barnes and Noble, picked it up and bought it and kept going from there. Dude got his friends into my stuff, found my blog, and looked for all of the videos of me doing stuff online.

He really knew his stuff regarding surf fishing. I definitely learned a lot from going fishing with this guy.

It was interesting to hear the names of other authors that he mentioned. Most of them were former students and friends of mine. There is definitely now a whole little scene of writers who were responsible for the modern l0ca@vore hunt3r movement. First there was me, then H@nk, T0var, John D., etc. It feels a bit like what it must have been like to be one of the pioneering west coast surfers of the 1950's, or one of the leaders of the back to the land movement of the late 1960's. I worked my ass off for years and there is a whole movement of a few tens of thousands of people in North American who are trying to live what I taught them.

Lately I feel like I really am finally starting to get my due for all of it. The invitation to write for Sl@te, the upcoming coverage from T1me M@gazazine and all of that. If it works out then there are going to be a lot of people who point to my 'overnight success' but it wasn't instant at all.

I have this small measure of fame now. I have fans and books and a movie about me and all that shit. But understand that I have had to work really, really hard to get to this point and I had to take HUGE personal risks to get to this point. I took risks that mostly failed. I lost my house, my previous career and my marriage. Everything from my previous life disintegrated in the course of building this new career.

All of that will probably be forgotten if this works really well. When I'm on J0hn S7ew@rt this fall he won't ask me about the years of struggle and planning to get to this point.

Now, if only more of my fans were attractive women with sexual voids in their lives then I'd have nothing to complain about.

2:15 a.m. - 2012-07-02


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