cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fucking Work So my wife, my girlfriend, and the chick who has been in love with me since I was 8 years old all walk into a bar together... No seriously, that is about to happen. The three of them are all meeting up for a drink on Friday night. Motherfucker. I wonder what they will ever find to talk about? Meanwhile I got set up with the paperwork today to get paid on the regular from Sl@te/W@shington Post. It turns out the the WP handles the money, which was a surprise. My next piece for Sl@te is delayed by a few days but should run tomorrow or the next day. It would be nice if it got squared away in time to hit this month's payment cycle but that would have to happen by 10 am this morning, which I don't think will be the case. But really I don't care *that* much about whether I get paid tomorrow or next month. My biggest worry is surviving after September and I need to be socking money away for that. After the next piece runs I'm going to pitch an article to the WP magazine, figuring I should have good odds what with them owning Sl@te. My worry about the Sl@te gig is now the fact that the editor cannot keep up with what I can send her. At best, I think she can digest 2 articles a week from me. At $200 a pop that isn't anywhere near enough to make a living. ...and I just spent two fucking hours editing several chapters of J0hn Dur@nt's new book for him. For free. That's ok. We all support each other and this. Its only 4 o clock in the fucking morning and I've been editing his chapters for hours Actually I really like that there is a community of writers like myself. Me, H@nk Sh@w, T0var, John, and a few others. We will be better off helping each other out rather than competing. We share a huge audience that sees us as a single scene and that is what we should be. Hank wrote the introduction for my new book; I just edited John's new book for him; T0var learned how to hunt by reading and talking to me. We should really do a big joint event some time. I don't feel like organizing it, but if there was a conference or a 'con' or whatever of our audiences, that could be a successful thing. Huh. 2:48 a.m. - 2012-07-20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |