cellini's Diaryland Diary


New Trip to NYC

The fall catalog from my publisher just arrived in my mailbox yesterday and I finally opened it today. The front page is totally devoted to me and my book. Damn. The whole publishing company is betting the fucking farm on this book. One month until the book ships. Oh fuck.

Tonight I got the millionth inquiry from a TV production company asking me to talk to them about making a show. I am so fucking sick of these people. They are a complete waste of time. They will talk and talk in circles forever without ever actually doing anything or writing a check.

Last night they had the first test-screening of the movie about me in front of a fresh audience. Apparently they loved it, though a few people were bothered by the blood. Well, its a documentary about hunting, you dipshits. Of course there is going to be blood.

My trip to NYC next week is all set now. Just trying to fill out the schedule there with more events so my publicist can justify the expense. I'm doing an interview with Prevent10n Magazine. How fucking weird is that? They even want video for their website.

This would be fun if I was actually getting paid.

12:26 a.m. - 2012-08-24


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