cellini's Diaryland Diary


...And, buh-bye, publisher

Huh. My publisher just emailed me the Wrong Answer.

I'm in a bad spot right now because I have no fucking money whatsoever. But my book that I spent the last two years producing is about to launch and it has got a TON of publicity and pre-orders. It is perfectly conceivable that this book could crack the NYT bestseller list for at least a week or two. We just got a full page in T1ME Magazine, and there are upcoming articles about me and the book in M3n's Journal, Pr3vention, 0utdoor L1fe, The Atl@ntic, etc. Plus dozens of radio interviews scheduled in the next few weeks.

I sent her an email yesterday offering to start the conversation about what my next book will be. And she blew it. Doesn't really want to discuss it for a few months. Sorry, lady. I need to pay the rent NOW.

Starting Monday, when I get back from a publicity/speaking trip for the new book, I'm taking my new projects to competing publishers. St0r3y is losing me.

Those dumb fucks. They put me and this book in their fall catalog front and center -- literally taking up the whole first page. This is supposed to be their big investment in a new direction for the company. And they are blowing it. I am about to walk out on them.

Right now, the smart move for a publisher to make would be to try to sign the author in this situation for a 3 book deal. They are really, really fucking this up.

11:38 p.m. - 2012-09-18


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