cellini's Diaryland Diary


No Rest For The Wicked

I've just had a lovely idea for a new piece in Sl@te's food section. And at $400 a pop over there, I want to have a lot of lovely ideas that can work in the food section.

The research for my first P0st piece is mostly done. I have one other guy to talk to and then I can write the piece for $500.

The really good news is that I have moved up from the fucking $100-$200 freelance world that I was in. Its next to impossible to make a living at those prices. But at $400 and $500 a pop I have a real shot at this. Six a month like that will keep my head just above the water. When you add in my work as a hunting guide and instructor for various things, I could be ok.

Right now the big motherfucker perched on my shoulder is my vehicle. This truck that I bought back in May or whenever it was. At $1,500, it was only intended as a temporary measure. I knew that it would need at least $500 to pass inspection when the time came. Now the time has come and gone and I'm driving it illegally with an expired sticker. And the front tires are in bad need of replacement and the brakes are getting dangerously mushy. I'm scared to drive it now. It isn't safe at all.

I need a new vehicle very, very badly. Possibly I could make this one road-ready again for as little as $1,000. Regardless, I need more money coming in than the bare minimum to pay the basic monthly bills. Living out in the middle of nowhere I cannot survive without a working vehicle.

Already I am seeing the rough shape of a survival strategy through October. It won't be easy, but I see how I can make it. Maybe I can repeat this for the next 3 months, but my truck won't hold out that long. I need to make at least a thousand bucks ON TOP OF THAT OTHER SHIT appear in order to keep all of this from falling apart.

That is going to be tough. I can only feed but so many articles per month to the W. Post and to Sl@te.

I did that interview with the Irish radio station today. It went fine. Tomorrow night I have an interview late at night with an Australian station.

This isn't the first time I have been famous, although its bigger this time than any time before. I don't really get to bask in it at all any more. I know too well that all glory is fleeting. The very second that I'm famous again for something, I need to start figuring out what comes next. What keeps me relevant and invites a paycheck.

10:53 p.m. - 2012-10-02


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