cellini's Diaryland Diary


I Should Probably Put Clothes on For That

My piece in the WP is running soon. Early next week, they are saying. The editor says its going to be the cover story on a section of the print edition. They want me to do a live chat about the story with readers, too. This is kind of a big deal.

Actually, I don't give a shit about being on the front page of the section. What I care about is that they are so psyched about my article that they are doing all this and that having me do the live chat with readers definitely indicates that they want to push me more as a writer for the Post.

This means that I have a future writing for the Post. It pays ok, so I'm happy about that. The only problem is that this editor can't digest more than one or two piece from me per month. Although that might get better -- everything is clogged up with the election right now.

I'm gunning for the food section and the Sunday magazine. I could do one piece a month for the health & science section, food, and the magazine. That would be between $1,500-2,500 a month just from the Post.

Oh, Men's He@lth wants me to write a feature for them, which is a big fucking deal. The editor wants to talk to me on the phone tomorrow to talk about it. Features for MH are many thousands of dollars. The only problem is that they get shit lined up months and months before they run it, and I won't get paid until the piece runs. So its a nice chunk of money but I won't see it for a while.

Sl@te is way slow for me now. I have pieces finished and turned in but they are clogged up with election coverage. My new science section piece won't run until after the fucking election. At least it looks like my new food piece about cooking with b3@r meat will run soon. I have edits to look at tomorrow morning.

I already want to give all of these TV producers the finger and walk away. NG wants me to shoot 3 episodes of this show soon but I'm starting to think that the contracts for all of these things are just too shitty to sign. If I can make a living just writing for newspapers and magazines I'm starting to think that I'll be a lot happier than if I have a TV show. TV takes months and months to pay anything even after the filming is over. I'll just hate them all the whole time for it.

Tomorrow (Friday) I'm doing some sort of live video thing on the Huffingt0n P0st to talk about weird meat or something. I don't even know what the fuck the interview is about but apparently millions of people will see it. I think they still want to talk about my last Sl@te piece or maybe about my book or something. I dunno. I should probably take a shower and put clothes on for that.

This is a really weird job. I think I'm famous now and the pay is still shit. I'd like to have trash pick-up again. And health care and stuff.

Why is there not a nice soft woman in my bed right now?

12:34 a.m. - 2012-10-19


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