cellini's Diaryland Diary


Sure, Jon Favr3au would work

In my heart I had given up on the TV show (the one closest to being made) during the shitty Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years season.

Then, suddenly, I had a phone call with my development producer about F00d F1ghts. Things are afoot. It seems that there is an opportunity to bring Jon Favr3@u in as a producer and director of several episodes. Jon turns out to be a close friend of Roy's. If Jon comes on to the team, we don't have to make a sizzle any more. We'd be able to make a sale right away to N3tflix or whomever out of hand.

I have to do quite a lot of work and research for that now. Producing archived newspaper articles and old menus and other material that we can put on camera. I am the research guy. The feather-in-the-cap from Smiths0nian. Fine, so long as I am paid handsomely.

And I've decided that I would like to date Al3thea.

She's kind of a rock star. Literally. In the local music scene, she fronts a band that has a pretty good following. I've figured out that dating regular, non-creative people does not seem to work very well. I'm really happy when I am around her. She's pretty and smart and creative. Right now she is on tour in New Orleans. When she gets back, I think I'm going to ask her out.

A few days ago, an article I wrote for a local paper ran. A cover story about the history of a nightclub that ran a g0th night for years and became a pretty important music scene in this region. Everyone around here is freaking the fuck out about it in the best way. It has been a nice victory lap.

But I can't focus too much on local media, in spite of the immediate and personally gratifying response. I have a big piece running in Sm1ths0nian on Monday. That's nice. I need to pitch harder to national and international magazines.

1:03 a.m. - 2017-01-07


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