cellini's Diaryland Diary


Ob@ma's Lit Agent Wants to Rep Me

B@arack 0bama's former literary agent loved my book proposal and wants to represent me. This is a pretty big deal. J@ne Dyst3l is a super high-powered lit agent.

Other than that, I got fuck-all done today so it was nice to get that email from her and now I feel like I have accomplished something.

Oh, and then there's this whole thing with people who want to start a new weekly newspaper here and put me in charge of it. I think I might have written about that yesterday.

I have less than two hundred bucks right now and the D@ily Beast has still not fucking paid me. I'm getting worried about my cash flow after this month. It will probably be at least three months til I can get a book advance since everything in publishing is always slow and retarded.

11:45 p.m. - 2018-01-04


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