cellini's Diaryland Diary


Revolutionary politics are always dismal

Tonight I was told by someone I sort of know that talking to me was a 'sort of transformational experience' because I am a super controversial figure among the local resistance community.

Was he surprised that I described being stalked by alt right figures and told how the worst thing about the main neo-Nazi figure here is the fact that he isn't actually racist and espouses those views for mercenary reasons?

He actually did seem surprised by those things.

The leaders of the local resistance groups all talk to me constantly, through secure channels. I regularly give them information and documents. We get along fine in private. But publicly, they feel like they have to talk shit about me for doing journalism. Literally, that is the thing that they are pissed off about. The premise of documenting what has happened and telling the public what that was.

I am disappointed by what he said. I've helped these people in so many ways. I've had neo-Nazis try to kill me. I've fed their leaders information. I've handed them legal means of putting their opponents in prison.

But I think that whole contingent has been swayed by a handful of people who are literally mentally ill. Including one (Beth) who wanted to date me and I backed away. So now she insists that I'm a fascist because I didn't want to put my dick in her.

What a dismal thing this is, and what a dismal thing that revolutionary politics always are.

1:56 a.m. - 2018-03-07


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