cellini's Diaryland Diary


And please kill me

The days are running out and I am getting very close to killing myself.

I've declined a joint birthday party next week with my brother and my mother. I would rather not have any birthday celebration at all instead of something where my unfaithful, lying, disloyal ex-wife attends. It won't be my birthday. For the second year in a row, I'd rather not have a birthday at all before I'd have her come as someone other than my wife.

And I've been fucked over by my employer. Owed $1,600, enough to settle my storage bill at the last second on Monday morning, but fucking Rewire.news done fucked up and they are shorting me $400 and also processing my invoice a week late so that I won't get what I'm owed until 7-10 days later. FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOU! I've been fucking tear-gassed and pepper-sprayed for you, and people have tried to fucking kill me for the work I've done for you. And FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. FUCKING PAY ME. I AM LOSING EVERYTHING I OWN IN THE WORLD BECAUSE OF YOU AND FUCK YOU.

Fuck you, And fuck you.

I have nothing left. Nothing for gas or groceries even. I went out fishing tonight and caught half a dozen bullheads and a rock bass and will eat those for a few days. But I to make money appear in the next week. Money to buy fentanyl that I can use to kill myself with. Fuck all of this. I want to die. I want this to be over. I want to kill myself.

3:13 a.m. - 2018-07-22


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