cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fuck this chick, I want to go home Oh, the heights that I went doing seven hours of research today. I discovered who gathered the type and syntypes of what is now a major insect pest of avocados and many other trees around the world. I found this incredibly obscure entomologist, John Nietner, and discovered his lost struggle for relevance from Ceylon against the entomological might of Germany at the time. I found that this man gathered, in obscurity, the specimen that would become the lost type specimen of a major pathogen of modern trees. Nobody knew who collected this key specimen back in the 1850's. But I figured it out today. Shit, I did real good. I slept until 3 pm. Kinda woke up and read the news on my phone until almost 5 pm. Tried to fuck Christa and she said she had to pee and shower and then I just lost interest entirely. Then I did serious research on this shit til 12:30 pm. I am so goddamned bored with Christa. Boy howdy. She was once hot. We occassionally find a documentary that we both want to watch. It's nice having a warm body next to me on the days when we wake up beside each other. Aside from that, fuck but she is boring. Being in recovery as an alcoholic probably has something to do with that. But she is so poorly read and has such a narrow, negative interest in documentaries. The only reason why I don't dump her is that I am moving in 3 or 4 weeks. There is no point in trying to find someone else to fuck at this point. This woman is a nice lady whom I just want to go away when I leave this place forever. I'm tempted to adjust my dating profiles to show Ch@rlottesville as my home base. And I could get laid plenty like that. But when I go home, my wife is the only woman I want to date. I will ignore everything else. I just want Trish. My wife. I want to go home. 5:07 a.m. - 2019-09-03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |