cellini's Diaryland Diary


If the Film Sells and there's No Job

A dipshit who may have a lot of money expressed interest in buying the rights to the film I made for some stupid content channel he is launching. The median price target that my EP expressed was $250,000. I would get $25,000 of that.

So what happens if I get $25k next month but don't get a job?

On one hand, I could rent a house and move in and keep trying to get a salaried job right away. And maybe fail. The house would be nice, but then I'd run out of money in 4-8 months.

Another option could be to try to make more out of that. I could go to western Kenya. Kisumu, specifically. On the eastern shore of Lake Victoria. I could rent a really nice apartment for $250 a month. And then use that as a base to explore the lake around Uganda and Tanzania. Kisumu has over a dozen colleges and universities. There are probably a lot of artists, writers and musicians to meet and hang out with in Kisumu. For five thousand dollars, I bet I could have a blast in Kisumu for three months.

I could do that, come back in late April and spent a month in Cville. Say I burn $1,500 in that month. Then I could paddle the full length of the James River in late spring, and be only the 6th person ever to do that.

Probably I would have to spend $2,000 to do that, including additional equipment I'd have to buy and paying for some shuttling and delivery of supplies.

So then I'd have around $15,000 left to restart my life with while I take another pass at applying for jobs in Cville during a more promising hiring window.

Yes, I would definitely do that. If the movie sells for around that price, then this plan will be under very serious consideration. And if I am offered either the film festival job or the stupid financial news job, then I'll do that. But if the movie sells and I don't get a job offer, I think the smart thing to do is to run off to Africa for a few months and then do the river thing and I'll have lived more in that time that most people do in their whole lives.

11:28 p.m. - 2019-12-24


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