cellini's Diaryland Diary


Any port in a storm?

Somehow, my bid for this job at $5k over what I was offered was accepted. In the middle of a pandemic.

In the morning I have to get on an online meeting for my first day of work, remotely, for H@bitat for Human1ty. That is fucking insane.

I suppose that they couldn't really hire anyone from out of the area, because how would that person move here in the middle of this?

I am a high school drop-out who also happened to go to college but has no formal qualifications to do anything whatsoever. How the fuck did I get here?

Now I have to manage communications and grant-writing for a major non-profit in the middle of a pandemic while I'm also rationing food and really not feeling very put-together and don't have a reasonable sleep schedule. I had hoped that I would have at least a week before starting, during which time I could maybe do my big river trip and regardless get on to a normal working sleep schedule.

I've taken tryptophan and just now some benedryl in hopes of sleeping before my 10 am video meeting and actually waking up and being presentable.

This is not even remotely a career path that I had wanted. I'd hoped to keep doing science communications and journalism, but it's the end of the world and any port in a storm, right?

Holy fuck, this is crazy. I don't know what I was thinking even applying for this.

3:09 a.m. - 2020-03-24


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