cellini's Diaryland Diary


That Ibiza Album

In 1994, '95 and '96 I used to peruse the electronic music section at Plan 9 Music and just grab stuff that caught my eye.

The Moonshine Records release, "Ibiza After Hours Volume 2" caught my eye and I have been listening to this thing ever since. The tracks "The Making of Jill" and "Tarenah" have particularly remained in my imagination ever since. I still listen to this thing like 25 years later.

Also in that category is "Panthalassa: The Music of Miles Davis 1969–1974."

I'd been listening to Miles Davis as a teenager for a few years when I got a hold of this. I'd already internalized Kinda Blue, fallen asleep repeatedly to "Bitches Brew', digested "Circle in the Round" as something I naively thought would be regarded as a classic, and figured that "Someday My Prince Will Come" was already an American songbook standard.

Then I got "Panthalassa" and it blew my fucking mind. A mind to which marijuana and alcohol were new. But I have that shit on headphones right now and it's still pretty awesome, while drunk and having had little interest in or access to weed in many years.

Actually, I think I would be a happier, healthier person right now if I smoked pot. I would drink less and worry less and perhaps dwell on less.

1:15 a.m. - 2021-01-23


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