cellini's Diaryland Diary


Newly single

Christa is clearly not interested in anything long-term. That is about to end. So I will be single for the first time in a few years.

What are my qualities that make me worth dating?

I am an exceptionally good cook. I worked with a lot of really talented professional chefs while I was doing the whole professional hunter thing and I learned a lot from many of them. And from writing books that included cooking chapters and researching 19th century American food.

I am very good at taking care of babies and toddlers and small children.

I can build or fix anything, slowly. A broken dishwasher, washing machine, furnace. A deck in need of reconstruction, a fried alternator on a car. I can fix any broken thing, though it might take me a few days.

My phenomenal talents doing historical newspaper research must matter to someone.

I'm really good at going down on women and making them come.

My dick is somewhat above average, contacting the cervix of most women while not too wide for anal.

I'm a really good fisherman. I spend a lot of time helping beginners to find success. I see fishing as applied ecology and delight in bringing new people into that.

I find adventures and I live them. Coming along with me is always a good time.

I am well-read and well-rounded. I have something approximating the classics education of an educated man of 1900.

I have investigated and opposed neo-nazis. I gave up an important part of my life to cover conflicts between neo-nazis and civilized people.

Are there nice, attractive women for whom these traits are desirable?

2:04 a.m. - 2021-05-03


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