cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This might be a scam Alex entered into this space when she was the nurse who treated me when was hospitalized for a black widow bite about ten years ago. That was my first article for the the NYT. She had just left her husband for a woman. Soon thereafter, I helped her to clean her place up ahead of a visit from social services in a custody fight with her ex. I did wiring, landscaping, and appliance repair. She was the hottest girl in high school. She was so beautiful that I right-clicked on a profile of her on FB and saved it to my desktop. We reconnected. Very quickly she said that she had not had sex with her girlfriend in over two years. Then she said that her girlfriend had said that she could have sex with anyone she wanted. Now we are having bareback sex regularly. She says that she has broken up with her girlfriend, with whom she still lives, and who probably still sleeps in her bed. We tell each other how much in love we are with one another. We talk about marriage. She's 43. How likely is it that she can get pregnant? Infintesimally small. Five years ago, she met me in a coffee shop and asked me to impregnate either her or her girlfriend. I was in the middle of a year of civil rights journalism at the time. People were trying to kill me. I couldn't commit to anything. I didn't have time to figure out what this woman and her girlfriend wanted from me or could offer. And now she says she's in love with me. She ends every night's texts with "I love you." Is she in love with me? Is this a con? Is she trying against all hope to get pregnant at the last possible moment and her girlfriend is pretending that they just broke up just so she can get another load of cum in her vagina and maybe I am the promise of a baby that she and her (ex?) girlfriend can hope for a child support payment to her every month for the next 18 years in her eyes? This is the hottest girl from high school. Her face is a work of art. There is a level on which I am head over heels in love with her, as she says that she is with me. And there is a level where I suspect that she has not actually broken up with her ex-girlfriend, and they are waiting for the baby and the monthly checks that will follow. We are pretty close to the point where I will confront her about this. If the ex-girlfriend does not actually move out in he next two weeks, then I will end this. I actually really love her. I had a crush on her when I was 14. So much about this is good, but I know what to be scared of. I want to see her introduce me to someone she knows as her boyfriend. I want to know that I am not an affair. Until that happens, I suspect that this is a scam. 3:19 a.m. - 2022-03-05 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |