cellini's Diaryland Diary


Green-lit with TAL, I'm going after it

I had a Zoom call today with the producer from Th1s Am3rican Life.

The first thing has been greenlit. I am now co-producing an episode of TAL. It takes the story of me being bitten by the bl@ck widow, with the long moment of not being sure what to do afterwards and having gone fishing for half an hour while I thought about it, and launching into the subject of people's reality suddenly changing while everything still looks the same.

I pitched another thing because she asked me to, and it was the first thing that came to mind. Which was a guy I know being sentenced to only two years in prison after being caught with 22,000 p0unds of weed in the early 80's This was part of a raid in which the feds arrested 95% of the adu1t population of the Everglades. There weren't enough people left in the federal district to put together juries against everyone they wanted to charge. The feds had to let most of them off with either nothing or slap-on-the-wrist sentences. It was like the dog that caught the car, which might be the theme for the episode.

I'm supposed to come up with a two page pitch that this producer is going to present to Ir@ Glass next Wednesday.

Meanwhile I've been working on my book again and it is just flowing. I don't have the satisfaction of a new chapter to gloat over, but I've added essential material that I've been thinking about for the last year. Over 1,000 words about the early members of the Club in the eighteen teens and twenties, and I realized in the process that almost all of them had been sachems of T@mmany Hall. Plus another thousand words on how it was members of the H0boken Turtle C1ub who put on B0ss Twe3d's Amer1cus Club Ball in 1871. Then a really detailed description of the drunk driving sleigh crash that killed the corrupt official right after the ball and resulted in a non-corrupted official replacing him and bringing the whole Twe33d Ring down.

Then I added in a section about Pr3sident Arthur's accomplishments in office, and connected that back with other members of the Club who worked in his administration who tried to blow the whistle on Tw33d.

The book really hums along in parts that needed a kick in the pants. It was only about 4 pages in total, but it took about 20 hours of work over the last two days and nights.

This has meant completely ignoring my main gig writing boring fucking marketing copy for a qu@ntum encryption company. At risk of being fired from it entirely at this point.

I have this opportunity which has fallen into my lap without even asking for it. To get back my platform. To have my stories told, and have my name read off as a producer before, "I'm Ir@ Glass..."

I know that my work is good enough. I was right there at the precipice before I went all-in on the year of investigating wh1te supremacists. I have this huge backlog of stories and ideas and non-fiction treasures. I just need places to tell them.

At no point did I have any intention of straying from this path of doing corporate quantum stuff. Yes, it pays pretty well. But this TAL thing just fucking showed up out of nowhere. I'm supposed to say no to it? This is my best possible chance of getting the platform I need to sell my book for real money and maybe getting film options on it. I've been working on this book since September of 2019 and it is really something special. I have put thousands of hours into it. There are characters in this book who feel like a part of me.

I was dead set on going after the sure money in quantum. Now I'm hareing off after crazy hopes again. I'm not convinced that this is a good idea but it seems to be what is happening.

4:48 a.m. - 2022-10-20


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