cellini's Diaryland Diary


I'm on the Slate

I got home late yesterday and didn't get much done. One 30" section of sheathing installed at a corner. I would have gotten more done except that I needed to hang out some with Ida first. So I took her out there with me to see the progress on the workshop. I showed her how the air compressor worked and we played with some other things. Then she helped my out by handing me C clamps and things while I was up on the ladder.

Oh yeah, I'm borrowing Bob's ladder now. It helps tremendously.

I am so close to being done with the sheathing. If the weather cooperates I could really and truly be starting on the loft joists this weekend. Neat! This also means that I need to pick up some more roofing felt in the next few days to wrap the walls with.

It is just amazing how one's motivation increases once the walls start. All of the progress is so very tangible. Decorating a house is fun but building one from scratch is 10 times more fun.

Other news: I got an email from the Obama campaign asking me to be on their slate of candidates to be a delegate to the District and State conventions. I've been a district delegate a number of times before and a state delegate in 2004. But it's a much bigger deal this time since the fight is clearly going all the way to the national convention. Hillary Clinton is mobilizing her people and trying to pack the district convention with her own people in order to elect her people as 'Obama' delegates, who would obviously show up at the national convention and vote for Clinton. It's a disgusting and unethical tactic, since it deprives the voters of the delegates that their votes earned in the primary. But it's the sort thing I've come to expect from her. She's like Karl Rove with a 'D' next to his name.

Anyway, Obama has to fight back against this. The only to do that is by putting together slates of vetted, chosen people who are definitely Obama supporters and definitely understand the parliamental process and understand intra-party politics. Make absolutely sure that the 'Obama' delegates elected at the district and national conventions are truly Obama supporters rather than Clinton sleeper agents.

That's where I seem to come in. Somebody gave Obama's campaign my name as solid choice for their slate (I have a very good resume for this sort of thing). And now I'm going to these conventions and get to enjoy all of the warfare and partying that goes along with it.

A state convention is always fun. Anyone who thinks that they will be running for anything in that state in the next few years will book a suite and have receptions and parties in order to woo delegates. It's lovely to be wooed. I'll be there for probably 2 days and one night and be running around and busy the whole time. It'll be great. I get to meet all sorts of interesting people at these things. In 2004 I got to talking to a guy for 15 or 20 minutes before I realized that he was the Lt. Governor, who was elected Governor the following year. He's supposedly on Obama's VP short list now, being a Democratic 'red state' governor who supported Obama very early on and helped deliver this state for him. There are all the AFL-CIO guys who look like they're going to rip somebody's head off if they have one more drink. That's an interesting bunch. The large delegations of rural blacks from the southern border area (now there's a demographic that the media pretends doesn't exist). Pompous, wealthy assholes from the DC metro area. Under-dressed, pissant bloggers who don't understand what's happening but want attention. It's quite a mix at these things.

12:28 - 2008-04-09


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