cellini's Diaryland Diary


My Passport Came!

The balloon thing worked almost perfectly. The 2 year old is no longer obsessed with the lost Elmo balloon.

Since my last entry we've gotten our plane tickets for the trip to Munich and Paris. I also booked our hotel rooms and tickets from Munich to Paris. Today my passport came!

My parents will be looking after the kids. Everything is completely set and ready to go except for finding a dog-sitter. That part is Trish's job.

I ordered her a laptop last week as a surprise. It should be here tomorrow.

Ida and I did some shooting together yesterday with her .22 rifle. Something finally clicked with her in terms of using the sights and suddenly she's really hitting the target consistently. The stock of the rifle is still a bit too big for her and we have a lot to work on, but she can hit a 2" spinning metal target at 10 yards distance about 1 out of every 3 tries. I think that is pretty good for a 5 year old. She is very pleased with herself and wants to practice more regularly now.

Obviously she is only using this thing under IMMEDIATE supervision, which means either sitting on my lap or with me hovering right behind her with my hand no more than an inch away from the rifle and ready to grab or redirect it at any moment.

I've been taking a bit of a break from news for the first time in about 10 years. Not ignoring the news, but not being completely obsessed with it and maybe listening to music on the way home instead of automatically putting NPR on in the car.

I got practically no sleep last night. Probably about 3 hours at the most. The baby (sorry, not 'baby.' He talks in complete sentences now. He's a little boy at this point) kept waking up and crying or asking for something. I am fucking exhusted and cannot keep my eyes open. Not a good feeling.

12:08 p.m. - 2009-04-06


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