cellini's Diaryland Diary


I Still Miss Someone

I've been posting on and sort of trolling Nerve's dating confessions site lately. I miss Jenny a lot. She would be so much fun to do this with. I don't have anyone to plot and scheme with or bounce weird things off of. Nobody to discuss corpses that don't rot with.

Jenny, as a human being, fit more sensibly with me than anyone else.

Sometimes I hear a song that I think she would like.

I think I get why she disappeared. I don't hold it against her. I couldn't really hold anything against her. But its still sad to think of someone and consider, 'I would have liked her to be around pretty much forever,' but they're not.

Tonight I revised another chapter and reworked some other stuff and re-read Geist's stuff on the evolution and comparative morphology of mule deer. It is hot as fuck. I'm holed up in my shitty excuse for a study with no AC and with the door closed on account of needing to hide from the kids and get work done.

11:37 p.m. - 2010-07-23


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