cellini's Diaryland Diary


Remember Me, Remember Me

In the last few days I have applied for a reporting job for the BBC in West Africa, a science writing job in New Zealand, and a job as a travel editor in my home town.

I will go anywhere at this point for any kind of decent paying job in one of my fields. I've even been perusing job listings for Iraq.

My work for the last year has probably been killing my resume and I'm considering pulling all of it. The film and my freelance civil rights journalism with the court victory and everything. That stuff isn't what hiring managers want to see for a science journalist. Especially the film. I suspect that people don't want someone in a staff journalist role who has made celebrated film and might be too big for his britches among a team of reporters.

I have so much I want to do and no hope of doing any of it. I just want a job and a salary and a proper life. I feel like I'm being penalized for having distinguished myself. As an author, a filmmaker, a speaker, an adventurer. I stuck my head up again and again and did risky things in order to create things that people loved, but that isn't what anyone wants to hire. And having people love your work doesn't translate into making a living anymore.

Two and a half months left, roughly. This should still be plenty of time to get a job offer. I can still make this whole being alive thing work.


12:40 a.m. - 2018-05-12


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