cellini's Diaryland Diary


Having No Electricity Sucks

It has just been constant fucking thunder storms lately. Every fucking day. On Saturday night the power went out. Our power almost never goes out for a few minutes. It either lasts a few seconds or it's out for at least a whole day.

Having our electricity go out is worse than it is for most people. Because we also lose our water and septic. The water needs to be pumped from the well with an electric pump. Even if we have a supply of water to manually fill the toilet tank with, we still couldn't flush it because the septic tank is slightly uphill and there is a pump midway. Electric, of course.

Essentially the house becomes completely unlivable and we have to go stay someplace else until the power comes back on. So on Sunday morning we went straight over to Trish's parents house and stayed there basically all day. The whole weekend was basically a write-off between that and Trish's grandparents and aunt and cousins unexpectedly coming to visit on Saturday. I am very glad that I got most of my packing and camping gear inventory done last weekend. I just somehow knew that something was going to come up this weekend and fuck with things.

At least the power did come back on. Just in time for yet another huge thunderstorm that parked it's self right over our house for hours. Somehow we made it through that one without losing electricity or phone service despite some very high winds.

After work today I still have to scotch guard a bunch of stuff. Like my frame pack.

The baby is very vocal suddenly. He has a very cute little voice. He's making a clear effort to imitate the words that we say. He is pretty damned smart for being only 7 months old. I'd forgotten how much babies can surprise you at that age. He's totally a part of everything that is happening now. No longer just sort of sitting there passively being held. He wants the attention of every person who he sees for at least a moment. If there is an object that we are using, he wants to see it up close and hold it if possible. He wants to taste everything that we eat.

Oh, Ida cut her hair last night. Trish managed to salvage the situation and make everything look ok. It's actually kind of a cute story. I will post again later today and tell it.

10:18 a.m. - 2007-08-27


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