cellini's Diaryland Diary


I've Never Beat Off Over a Clove Hitch

I got some ass last night. Is that even really worth writing about? I mean, I get laid at least a couple times a week. It's probably only worth writing about when we do something particularly different. Like the wrestling thing last weekend.

While I'm gone this weekend Trish is setting up a new bed and mattress. Long boring story. This new bed has proper head and foot boards, unlike our out-going bed. She was talking seriously about discreetly installing some big eye screws at each corner for purposes of fastening ropes to. Which is like, huh? Because we've never been into any kind of bondage shit. But I guess I should take this as a clear sign that she wants to be tied up.

Ok, fair enough. She indulged my demands that she learn how to take it in the ass and look how well that turned out. I should give this a chance.

I will have to get some rope at the hardware store. I know enough about the whole bondage thing to know that you can't use just any rope to tie someone up with. There are particular types of rope that hold knots well and at the same time do not chafe against the skin. I don't know shit about really specialized B&D rope work but I am good with knots. I was a Boy Scout and I took classes on fly fishing from the Orvis school when I was a kid. So I know all the basic knots. I can't remember what most of them are called but when I need a knot to do something, my hands always seem to know exactly what knot to tie.

The whole 'rope work' fetish in the bondage world sort of makes sense now that I think about it. Tying exactly the right knot for a job in a very neat manner is very satisfying. The interlocked symmetry of a reef knot. A tidy row of half-hitches securing the side of a wall tent to it's stakes. Professionally tied knots are inherently an aesthetically pleasing thing. The world lost something really lovely when we went from sail to steam.

Of course, I've never beat off over a clove hitch.

1:22 p.m. - 2007-08-30


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