cellini's Diaryland Diary


Autumn on Her Face

[Whoops. Wrote this yesterday and forgot to post it.]

It was a nice weekend in spite of the various financial shit. The one blemish was that as I was getting into the car to drive out to look at those spec houses, I noticed that Trish's car had a tire with a bad bulge in the sidewall. With the rubber cracking over it.

When this happens you don't go anywhere except straight to the tire store at very low speed. Because that tire is going to explode. It's just a question of how soon. A tight turn could prompt it or getting up past a certain speed will cause the tire to heat up to a temperature it can no longer sustain with the weak spot and then it just bursts on you. Maybe this happens on a bridge and you go flying over the railing into the water below. Or into oncoming traffic or whatever.

The tire place wasn't open on the weekend and Trish doesn't carry a full size spare so we were essentially stuck at home until this morning. Maybe my car will be ready today or maybe tomorrow. I have no idea at this point. At least her car has the 2 new tires by now.

So anyway, this meant I was home all weekend and my plans were totally changed. I spent a lot of time with the baby. I gave 2 of the dogs very thorough baths and brushings. Played with Ida. On Sunday it was more baby time all morning. He likes Tom Waits. 'Rain Dogs' in particular. Then Trish's parents came by for lunch and they brought Ida some camouflage hunting clothes that she had been begging for.

I let her come 'hunting' with me on Sunday evening. All I was doing was waiting to pass-shoot geese. For some mysterious reason, flocks of migrating birds feel compelled to pass over certain spots at low altitude when they are anywhere in the general vicinity. There are places where you can stand all afternoon and find that 3 or 4 separate flocks of geese will go right over your head. I have such a spot in the back corner of my land at the crest of a small hill. Waiting in such a spot in order to hunt geese is called 'pass shooting.' Few people seem to do it for some reason. It's definitely harder shooting to do on account of the fact that the geese are usually just barely within shotgun range and they are moving at full speed. This contrasts with the usual method of luring geese in with decoys and shooting them as they start to land. Decoys are expensive, though. You need a lot of them. It's all very elaborate and you also need to set them up in a place where geese would plausibly want to stop, which is not something I have on my land. So I just do the pass-shooting.

We sat on this little hill in a hidey spot surrounded by tall grass and waited for geese that did not come. Which was fine and Ida had a good time just playing and following rabbit tracks and collecting colorful leaves.

Fall is truly here. The leaves have undeniably started to change. There is the odd blazing yellow tree and even those trees that are all green have leaves that are looking a little rough around the edges. Big, black crickets are everywhere. Is it just me or is the light in the fall more reddish? You get these unmistakable fall shadows, too. You can see autumn in someone's face if they are standing in the sun. A woman just walked past my window and I could see it.

10:27 a.m. - 2007-09-25


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