cellini's Diaryland Diary


Also, Fuck the Prius.

If you haven't already seen http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/ then you need to go read it now.

This whole thing so neatly explains a corner of white culture that I have been inclined to reject for the last few years. Trish and I both now laugh uncontrollably whenever someone mentions the Prius, Apple computers, organic produce, '80s nights or knowing what's best for poor people.

It is supposed to be our demographic. I have to confess a fondness for a number of things on the list. Microbreweries, Obama, a history of writers workshops, sushi, dogs, dinner parties, etc. However, I have rejected 'awareness,' irony, veganism, Apple computers and natural medicine. Also the Prius. Fuck the Prius. I think I've gotten as far outside of this kind of culture as I can possibly be, given the white, middle class, suburban circumstances of my birth. I've done pretty well in that regard.

Christ, I went to Hampshire College and yet still manage to shoot things and eat them. I'm doing my best here.

Although here is the million dollar question: given the fact that I am fairly philosophical about shooting things and eating them, does this actually become the ULTRA, black-belt-level white person thing to do? Like, where do you go when veganism just isn't enough? You get yourself a rifle and kill and butcher your own organic, free-range meat. In totally and deliberately contradicting the mainstream white person vegetarian ethic, I somehow become even more white.

Ditto for my whole construction thing. As a general rule, white people do not do manual labor. However, see item #37 on the list of stuff white people like. Renovations. I quote:

"All white people are born with a singular mission in life in order to pass from regular whitehood into ultra-whitehood. Much like how Muslims have to visit Mecca, all white people must eventually renovate a house before they can be complete.

"Of course, most white people do not reach this goal until they are 35 or older. But the need to do it is as instinctual as walking." See, I bought my first house when I was something like 23 or 24. I'm 29 now. Trish and I spent 2 years renovating that house and then we sold it for a tidy profit and bought this place. Having 'been to Mecca' so early in life, I needed something more to strive for. Much like killing things and eating them, my hobby of residential construction actually becomes a highly advanced expression of whiteness rather than the contradiction of whiteness that it first appears to be.

12:36 - 2008-04-15


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