cellini's Diaryland Diary


I'm Done Putting Up With Her Shit

I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon and I have no idea how I will make the $10 copayment.

Some time today I'm supposed to talk to this producer about 'my' show. The more I think about it, he'd better have something useful to say pretty soon or else I'm not going to let them renew my option next month.

Things are not going particularly well at home lately. I've just fucking had it with the state of the house and the kitchen in particular. I haven't been able to cook in months because the kitchen sink is literally overflowing with dishes, the stovetop is similarly covered, and there is not an inch of free counter space. She has just fucking trashed the house. She cooks ramen several times a day, lets the water boil over every single time and doesn't clean up the mess of noodle bits, proteinaceous goo and whatever else that she gets everywhere.

The final straw was that she started rearranging rooms while I was in San Juan. I came home and could only open the front door about 10 inches and barely squeezed through. She emptied the contents of my study into the hallway and an enclosed back porch, put the refrigerator on the same back porch (WHAT THE FUCK?!?), and the whole house generally looks like it was trashed by vandals. She says she spent 3 days 'working' on this and that I should be more appreciative, and yet in spite of all of this 'work' she couldn't bring herself to wash the fucking dishes or round up her trash.

I finally just let her have it and threatened to leave,.

What I didn't say (yet) is that she contributes next to nothing to this marriage. She doesn't put out, doesn't give blowjobs, doesn't clean up after herself, leaves a trail of debris wherever she goes, she lies to me constantly. And she stopped putting any effort whatsoever into her personal appearance. She acts like I'm an idiot for mentioning the fact that she's been wearing THE SAME FUCKING PAJAMAS FOR @ DAYS STRAIGHT. Is it really so much to ask that she at least get dressed like a normal human being in the morning? This isn't just on a lazy Sunday - this is EVERY FUCKING DAY.

Fundamentally, what I now have is just a nightmarishly shitty roommate who doesn't even help with the bills. p>

At some point in the next few days I am going to lay all of this out for her, and she will inevitably break down in tears and it will be a whole scene that goes on for days. But I'm no longer prepared to put up with this indefinitely.

8:58 a.m. - 2010-02-11


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