cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Switcheroo Holy crap, what a busy day this has been. An insane amount of constant work, and its all been for my new career. I decided to ditch these producers that offered me the one-sided, asshole-ish contract. I still have to tell them this, but I have already moved way ahead with this other company in Brooklyn. They are flying me up shortly for a meeting and to get some stuff on camera for the reel. They are going to tag along on my FL trip and film. The producer is from the Keys, so this is perfect. At the same time I got my next workshop for Sl0w F00d nailed down. C@nada geese. And I went for broke and just asked for an introduction to a very big deal food writer for the Times who also has his own TV show. He and I have the same agent and I want this guy to help me develop recipes for this new workshop and ideally be a co-presenter with me. With the credibility of Sl0w F00d behind me, I think I have a really good shot at this. If he isn't up for it then there are a million other chefs I could get, but this dude would be ideal. I've also been trying to get a hold of some footage that was shot of my last SF workshop to give to this new producer. The guy who shot that also happens to live in Brooklyn and is a good cinematographer and I'm trying to get him hired on for my project. Boom, boom, boom. I am a fucking MACHINE today. Actually, fuck flying up to NYC. I want to take the train this time. I'm still worried about my lack of supplementary income for September. Tomorrow I need to focus on that shit in a serious way. If I send out one email to my list of alumni then I'll probably get a whole bunch of guiding gigs lined up. I just haven't sat down and budgeted the time to compose that email in the careful, thoughtful way that it needs to be done. Tomorrow is also our anniversary. Shit. I haven't put any thought into that at all. We have babysitting but I have no idea where to take her. 3:16 p.m. - 2010-08-12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |