cellini's Diaryland Diary



I'm sitting here at my parents' place waiting for this guy from the boating magazine to show up. He's late. I'm annoyed because if he is much later then the carp won't be active and we won't be able to catch one.

The meeting this evening at the winery has been rescheduled at the last minute, which pisses me off. Steve had to cancel. Meanwhile, we need to set the date for the fucking goose event already. I have been avoiding scheduling anything for the next few weeks because I'm trying to keep shit open for the goose thing and make it a priority. This was supposed to be settled today and I'm pissed off that its dragging out.

I still desperately need an entire day of sitting in front of a computer and just writing. This shit where I tap away for a few minutes while I'm waiting for someone is not good enough.

3:09 p.m. - 2010-11-23


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