cellini's Diaryland Diary


It is Done

I've been awake for about 25 hours straight now. I took a break for an hour early this evening to watch an episode of Battlestar Galactica. Aside from that and the moments I took to write here, I have been working for 24 hours straight.

My shoulders and back hurt.

The final round of retarded bullshit on the deer book is now finished and turned in as of 5 minutes ago. I did a couple of interviews, and talked with my agent, and wrote a blog entry, and studied up more on foreign publication rights, and researched exactly how far out there my name has gotten, and dealt with a ton of email.

There's more to do. I have a really important email that I need to write to my publicist at the publishing company and have needed to for the last 2 days. And I'd do it now except that I'm not all there at the moment, mentally, what with the sleep deprivation.

I never feel like I've done enough. There's always something that I feel like I've dropped the ball on or am failing at or about to hopelessly fuck up.

Hopefully now I can finally turn away from the deer book until its time to start prepping for the launch. I want to be focused 100% on the new book and on the l1onfish project and on related endeavors.

5:26 a.m. - 2011-01-07


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