cellini's Diaryland Diary


Hitting the Road

I don't know about this shit with running for C0ngress. I want to have lots of weird sex with nice people. Its hard to do that and run for C0ngress at the same time.

My publisher paid up finally and I'm catching up on shit I needed to buy. I finally got my car fixed today after 6 weeks of being immobile. On Thursday I'm getting back on the road finally to finish the new book. Driving up the east coast to near Boston and taking 2 days to do it, just because. If anyone wants me to drop by along the way...

I bought a new camera today for still photography. Also some clothes that I really needed. Grant emailed me today and said that the magazine is sending a photographer along on our trip together to New Orleans at the end of the month. Huh. That will be a pain in the ass for various reasons.

We desperately need people and places to meet up with to hunt nutria in Louisiana on this trip. The one guy who was supposed to help us is flaking out and I'm not sure what to do about it all.

Oy. I need to sleep. After the trips to MA and LA I think I'm going to North Carolina and then to NYC to do a thing with pige0ns.

1:02 a.m. - 2011-05-18


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