cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream babies and then they were gone. I had a dream a few nights ago that I had two babies. Somehow each was half-black, I guess their mothers were both black. They were mine. Somehow Coretta Scott King was the grandmother of each. One was about 4 months older than the other. I held the youngest baby in my arms and then propped him up on my left knee with my arm around him. Then I held the older one on my right knee with my other arm around it and I held them close. They both did the thing that babies do where they mouth your chin or face. When they start to get teeth, the teeth are new and sharp and painful. And it hurt a bit, those two babies with their new teeth. I loved them both. Waking up, I had a strong sense of loss that they were gone. 12:42 a.m. - 2018-06-30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |