cellini's Diaryland Diary


Blah Blah My Weekend

I have this awful razor burn on my neck. I didn't shave on Saturday. When I finally shaved on Sunday afternoon the combination of extra long stubble plus a shitty disposable blade that I'd been using about a week longer than I should have resulted in this rather painful razor burn.

It's bad enough that I just didn't shave this morning. I don't want to make it any worse so I'll just give it a day to recover. I should really pick up some new Mach 3 blades during lunch.

I no longer feel drunk wearing my contacts but I am still far from being used to this. When I catch my reflection in a mirror it still comes as a surprise. I hardly recognize myself.

The actual vision is different. I can't quite describe it. To be perfectly honest, I don't see as well with contacts as I do with glasses. I have trouble focusing properly on objects about 2 feet away from me. Even further out it's like there isn't quite the same detail as with glasses. However, the benefits outweigh the decrease in vision quality. I like having more peripheral vision. I like not having the glasses on my face. Not having to constantly adjust and clean them. Also I definitely look better.

Lately it's like I'm transforming into a new person, physically. First there was the whole random miracle where my cock grew half an inch for no apparent reason. Then my upper body has bulked up a little or something. I had very little fat to begin with, but now there is even less of it and there is more muscle. Now I have the contact lenses instead of glasses. All of this just sort of happened without my planning it.

I can't believe that I squandered a whole weekend's worth of opportunity to get all of the target practice that I wanted. I didn't fire a single shot the whole time. No kids around, nobody nagging me to do anything else. I should have gone into town, bought a box of 30-'06 and worked on mastering the scope on my new Remington. Also I need to work on my marksmanship with my .38 revolver. I should be shooting it once a month to keep myself in tune or else I have no business carrying it.

11:15 a.m. - 2007-08-13


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