cellini's Diaryland Diary


Condoms Suck.

I realized this morning that there is one fly in the ointiment with our current plan to fuck other people together. Condoms.

Condoms. Bleah. I haven't used a condom in years. The last time I did, I could not feel a fucking thing. Literally. It didn't help that the young lady in question had some sort of pheromonal incompatibility with me. Literally, she just smelled all wrong and I ended up stopping halfway through because the whole thing was just not happening for me. Worst. Sex. Ever.

I am seriously spoiled in that department. I put my cock in any orifice of Trish's that I please and never wear a condom. But if we're going to be having sex with other people whom we don't know very well then we'll obviously have to be using condoms.

Perhaps if we find someone or some couple that we get something regular going with, we can all just go out and get tested and mutually agree not to use condoms. I just want the penises in the vaginas and assholes without anything in the way, please.

Meanwhile, I guess blowjobs are still ok. Blowjobs, tit fucking, handjobs. I'd like to find a couple with skills that fill in our gaps. Like I've never had a really competant blowjob. Never been deep throated. So I'd like a chick who is really good at that. And Trish takes dick in her ass as hard and fast as one cares to give it to her, so that may be a skill appreciated by the husband of a woman who isn't into anal.

Tomorrow we get to start looking at actual responses. This is going to be so fun!

12:18 p.m. - 2008-12-18


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