cellini's Diaryland Diary


More on Making a Living Wr1ting

I stumbled across R0bert Heinle1n's rules for making a living as a writer and was pleased to find that I'm already following all of them. This is a nice break-down of them:


I have decided to be obsessive about retaining, dividing and re-selling rights to my books. I'm not sure that there are any foreign rights possibilities for my first book, since it is about how to hunt a species that is only native to North America. But with the new book there are possibilities for doing that in spades.

It is pretty damned hard to make a living just off of bo0k advances. Even when you get respectable advances, it sucks. No telling when the money will actually show up. I think that the trick to really making a decent living in this business is going to be selling the same book a dozen times for different uses, and then always starting the next book immediately once I finish the last one. Give it a few years and I should have a bunch of different books making their way through the system with some type of check showing up in the mail every month for an advance or a royalty or an option or a renewal of an option.

Meanwhile, I'm totally broke and things really suck, financially. But my business plan is a sound one and I feel like I'm right on track to be making a proper living at this.

12:16 a.m. - 2011-01-07


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