cellini's Diaryland Diary


At Last

[From a few days ago]

I'm sitting in my grandmother's room at the nursing home. Its more comfortable here than in most of the rooms, because she brought some of her own furniture and paintings.

She has been unresponsive all day. Right now she's dying of congestive heart failure, among other things. She lies on her bed, mouth open and eyes closed. There is an oxygen tank hooked up to her nose, which I suppose she had allowed before slipping into unconsciousness. No IV, since she gave instructions not to put one in.

I look over at her every 30 seconds or so to see if she is still breathing. I do not expect her to live another day and in fact I will not be surprised if she dies before I finish writing this.

I'm playing songs on my laptop that I think she will like. 'Jerusalem', 'At Last.' Some Oscar Peterson.

1:01 p.m. - 2011-04-08


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