cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weirdo Bodybuilders This morning I could finally tell that Google plus must really be catching on when I got my first add from some completely random dude who appears to be hard-core into fitness and body-building. That bunch is the oddest segment of my fans. People who are into Cr0ssfit and P@le0 dieting and that sort of thing tend to be into what I do and write about. I really like a lot of them but I also have to admit that every single one of the weirdos I have ever wanted to go away forever has also been one of those guys. My deer book launches in one month. I realized last night that I should probably be organizing some type of launch party or event but I have no budget. I just did the pre-interview on the phone with that woman from M1ami NPR. I'm supposed to go to this fucking tennis match in DC on Thursday and I'm really regretting it. I have zero interest in watching people play tennis for 12 hours or whatever it is. I only accepted the tickets because Trish is into tennis and because the guy who gave them to me really wanted me to come. Now I *have* to go. I really regret it. Not only will this be interminably boring but I'll lose a day when I should be working on this book and I'll have to spend money that I can't afford on driving there and back and eating at restaurants and whatever else I have to pay for. Dude and various other important people will be there sitting in the same block of seats so I really do have to show up. Bah. 11:20 a.m. - 2011-08-02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |