cellini's Diaryland Diary


Title Victory

I'm unlocked again. I think that the danger has passed for now.

About an hour ago I got the good news that I won a long, hard fight with my publisher over the title of my new book. They had axed my title - the one that had been written up in the NYT, Village Voice, WP, NPR, etc. Millions of people had read about this forthcoming book and knew the name and then my publisher wanted to change it at the last minute to something horribly, mind-bogglingly awful.

It was so bad that I didn't even want my name on it anymore. I was preparing to tell them that I wasn't going to do the book tour and that I refused to speak the name they had chosen into a microphone. I assumed that the book would flop with this horrible title and I was literally preparing to change careers again this summer, in anticipation of my career as an author ending.

Then I got an email from my editor tonight. The words were vague, but then I clicked on the attachment. It was a revised version of the cover for my new book, with the proper title on it.


It literally feels like I had cancer and the cancer just spontaneously disappeared. I've had cancer, so I know what I'm talking about here.

Meanwhile, with part of my book advance, I bought a pickup truck.

Oh fuck, yes, it has been awesome. I have been doing lots of fishing and getting it set up exactly right. I mounted a camper shell. More later...

11:55 p.m. - 2012-04-04


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