cellini's Diaryland Diary



Shit has just happened today. I was invited to a party in NYC on Friday night and I decided to go for it and accept. Then after I posted about the trip on FB I got messaged by someone asking me to come speak and do a book signing in Brooklyn on Sunday.

Fuck yeah!

Meanwhile, the temperature is going to be down in the 40's F at night for the rest of the week at the OBX so I'm delaying my hike to C0rolla Beach until next Tuesday. That way I can bring a much lighter sleeping bag, save 5 pounds of weight, and have a much easier hike for the 70 mile round trip.

Then I found out that there is a film premiere tomorrow night for a movie that Helenah was Director of Photography for. So I seem to be driving to DC tomorrow afternoon to be her date, spend the night, fuck her senseless, etc.

Shit is busy. This is good. I might even make a profit on the NYC trip if I can sell enough books. I asked my publicist to ship me a box of books ASAP.

11:03 p.m. - 2012-04-09


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