cellini's Diaryland Diary


For a Day

Today I turned in my first piece for the Washington P0st, as well as my new piece for Sl@te.

I had hoped to finish my piece for the Huffington Post tonight, but I just don't have the focus.

Today I signed the contract for the TV show deal. After about a month of contract negotiations.

Look, for the last few weeks I've been working now and then for a law firm.The conclusion that I've come to is that I can make more money freelancing.

What do I get for a day of legal work? About $70. I can get $200 per piece for simple shit that I can write in a few hours. Why would I waste time doing this stupid shit?

Christ, I need another book deal. Months of work on one contract. I can make it good.

11:06 p.m. - 2012-10-08


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