cellini's Diaryland Diary


The state of my work

Shit, I'm in the middle of all this work and then I did something for my actual job that feels really fucking good. I have 2 or 3 more weeks here and am just hoping to go home with a new-to-me car and a few thousand bucks.

The head of my lab needed 3 letters of recommendation to support his application for a Fulbright Fellowship. One of the 3 letters I wrote tonight just fucking nailed it. Showed how this guy is the most essential figure to support against deforestation and the effects of climate chance.

And don't I know it.

For the last month or so, I physically show up in the lab maybe twice a week, at best. I tend to stay up til around 5 am and then sleep til 2-4 pm. I produce good shit, but on my own schedule.

There are these weeks where I sort of fuck off and don't do a whole lot. But then I come up with stuff like this and it feels so good. And that's the job, though they didn't realize that when they hired me. Creative productivity comes in these weird waves.

Meanwhile, the production company that makes N@ken and @fraid is super interested in a pitch that I made through an intermediary. Getting back on to the TV development wheel isn't necessarily where I wanted to find myself right now when I'm about to be unemployed, but I'm happy to have something going.

And the NYT Magazine politely shot me down on a pitch that wasn't well enough developed for them, but I could do some work and bring it back or just take it to Psychology Today as-in and get paid decently. I've got some thinking to do there.

Still no word from Nat Geo on my pitch to their history magazine, which I should have known better than to send over Labor Day weekend.

Work on the Ll0yd K@hn piece progresses, which is $1,200. We had a phone call tonight, which was fucking awesome because this guy is a hero of mine. He is sending me a bunch of his books from the last 10 years and we're doing an on-record interview next week.

2:45 a.m. - 2019-09-06


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