cellini's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appealing our status as a shit magnet My pitch to The Atlantic was rejected in October. It was about what it's like to be someone from Charl0ttesville, where we have constantly been subjected to the experience of being news for the last 3 or 4 decades. The R0lling Stone defamation case and "J@ckie" who claimed to have been gang-raped. Liz Seccur0's accusations. VQR and the workplace bullying thing, which my brother got all wrapped up in. George Hug3ly and Y3ardley Love. The supposed Pr1ncess Anastacia, who lived here. M0rgan Harrington and then H@nnah Graham, whom I saw the night she was murdered. The neo-nazi invasion, riot and murder that happened here while I was covering the whole fucking thing from beginning to end. The Atlantic didn't think that there's been enough of a thing here over time to be worth taking note of. So I sent them a response to their last email from October, where they declined the piece, and I pointed out that T3ssa M@jors is national news for being stabbed to death on Columbia Campus. T3ss Majors, national news. You fucking assholes turned this down in October and then another Charl0ttesville native was murdered and it turned into national news. My daughter was just asked a few days ago to replace her in one of her local bands. I asked if the answer is still 'no.' Are we still expendable? Is the fact that we, as a town of only 50,000 people keep being thrust into the national spotlight, not something that should be recognized and discussed? I have no great expectations for my appeal. 1:32 a.m. - 2020-01-03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |